» Archive for the 'blog' Category

Undo/Redo & a Response to Robert Scoble

Monday, September 8th, 2008 by Max

I had an update ready a few days ago.  Originally this was going to add undo/redo functionality.  I know I said layouts were going to be next, but then my wife played with Graphsy for a bit and pointed out that there was no undo and yet there was an auto-save.  That made it difficult and punishing to try out different things.  So I put together the undo feature, which was surprisingly not that difficult.   That was a few days ago.

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Started using Zemanta

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008 by Max

Just started using Zemanta, seems like a pretty cool service so far.  Will let you know more as I use it more.  Went back and reclassified some of the posts.  They may pop up as new in RSS feeds. Also notice the new look, one of the default WordPress ones so far, but I like it better.  Maybe I’ll try to customize it at some point, will have to wait and see.

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Post from an iPhone

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008 by trool

Just downloaded the WordPress plugin for the iPhone. Figure I’ll give it a try on the train. So here is my quick review of the plugin.

The WordPress plugin allows you to save the post localy for later upload. You can also edit posts already online. Basically you get all of the expected functionality when it comes to text editing. You can also add images, from the library or take them with the camera. I’ve added a picture of the neo cube I took earlier this week.

All of this functionality is great, but still has its limitations. First typing a post on the iPhone is not a lot of fun. It’s workable for small pieces, but at this point I am already tired of making mistakes. Second I am a terrible speller, and while the iPhone fixes most of my mistakes I fixed a few others by hand, which makes me think there are lots more mistakes here. Finally the preview option seems to be slow, but that could be because my connection is going up and down. When it did finally work everything looked terrible.

Basically I’m saying that the app is good, but limited by the iPhone. I can see my self using this for small, quick posts about something interesting I found, but isn’t that what Twitter or FriendFeed is for?


Ways to follow me and Graphsy updates

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008 by Max

Just wanted to give everyone lots of options to keep track of what’s happening with Graphsy. First you can subscribe to the RSS feed for this blog or Graphsy’s main news RSS.  If you have twitter you can follow me at www.twitter.com/xmerer.  Or if you prefer friendfeed, you can track me at www.friendfeed.com/trool.  Trool was already taken on twitter.  If people are interested in Graphsy only feeds on twitter and friendfeed let me know and I’ll set it up.  Also if there are other services that may be useful post them here.

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Blog Launches

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008 by trool

Hi everyone. This is the start of Graphsy.  You don’t know me yet, but I’ll introduce myself later, first this blog.  Here you’ll find all sorts of info on the project.  Things like new features, updates, and status will be announced.  Also I’ll post anything else I feel is fun or interesting.  Maybe just vent frustrations and such.  No idea where this is going to go yet.  I’ll try to post here a few times a week, maybe more depending if anyone is actually reading.  Next time I’ll introduce you to Graphsy and what I hope it will become.  I’m planning on launching a private alpha sometime in June, hopefully very soon.  Keep checking back or just grab the RSS feed to follow, I’ll be updating with pictures and video walkthroughs.  Post back if you got something to say.  Have fun. I’ll write some more soon, I promise.